The Digital Trust Laboratory of Canada (“DTLab” or “the Laboratory”) hosts a number of digital ID related Solutions. These Solutions are made available to the general public and to Subscribers by way of discovery sandboxes for the public and collaborative or private sandboxes for subscribers. At issue in this document are the terms and conditions (“T&C”) under which the general public and subscribers are authorized to use the Solutions hosted at the Lab.
The Sandbox T&C are crafted with the following principles and constraints in mind:
- Some Laboratory T&C apply to all sandboxes at the Lab, other T&C apply only to a specific type of sandbox (e. discovery, collaborative, or private). These are the “Laboratory Terms & Conditions”.
- Some Solution T&C are imposed by the Solution Sponsor and are in addition to Laboratory T&C. These Solution T&C will be clearly identified to the Subscriber and must be accepted prior to the Subscriber being given access to the Solution of the Solution Sponsor. These are the “Solution Terms & Conditions”.
- When Solution Sponsors and Subscribers create user accounts at the Laboratory, the user must accept the Laboratory T&C before they can access sandbox services.
- Before a member of the public or a subscriber can use a sandbox for the first time, they must accept, adhere to and comply with as many Solution T&Cs as there are solutions in that particular sandbox. The Solution T&C are presented from within the individual solutions.
Terms & Conditions
Applicable to all Sandboxes
The following T&C are applicable to all sandboxes:
- Thou shall not enter any personal or confidential information when experimenting with sandboxes. For greater clarity, this means, do not use any real identities nor any production data. If you need sets of fake identity data to test the Solutions hosted at the Laboratory, ask us, we can recommend something to you!
- Thou shall never attempt to hack, reverse engineer or otherwise subvert the normal use of the sandboxes to uses that are in violation of the law. Please do respect the intellectual property of our solution sponsors and use the sandboxes responsibly.
- Thou shall not use a sandbox at the Lab with the intent to use it as a benchmark to develop your own competing solution, replacement solution or internal solution. Again, it’s all about respecting the intellectual property of our solution sponsors and using the sandboxes responsibly.
- Thou shall not use the sandbox environment of the Lab for stress loading purposes. The goal of sandboxes is to allow you to discover, experiment, develop, integrate, test and perform quality assurance (QA) work – it is not to test the load capacity of the technology infrastructure of the Laboratory! If you are considering such tests, then you are likely at the stage where you should contact the solution sponsor directly and obtain a license from the sponsor to acquire and move your testing into your own environment.
Applicable to Discovery Sandboxes
The following T&C are applicable to discovery sandboxes:
- Thou shall not use discovery sandboxes with any hope of data persistency. Discovery sandboxes are public. This means their access is shared among users. The content of the sandbox will reset periodically so do not expect any persistency in your data.
- Thou shall not use discovery sandboxes with any hope of privacy. Those sandboxes are shared by multiple users!
- Thou shall not expect individualized customer service. Discovery sandboxes are… free. This means that you are welcome to browse our Knowledge Base should you run into any difficulty, but please do not expect to have the ability to submit support tickets unless you become a subscriber. If you do, then, welcome to the family.
Applicable to Collaborative Sandboxes
The following T&C are applicable to collaborative sandboxes:
- Thou shall not share your named user credentials. Those credentials are attributed to you as a named individual by the Sandbox Sponsor and you may not share your credentials with another individual. If a colleague of yours needs access to the Sandbox, ask the Sandbox Sponsor who will in turn ask us to issue additional access credentials for your colleague.
- Thou shall wisely manage your support expectations. Managing support expectations wisely means, are you having a “content” or “container” issue? If you would like support with the solution or deployed services of a collaborative sandbox, chances are the support will ultimately come from the Sandbox Sponsor. If the support you need relates to the actual access and use of the sandbox, then this is a support request rightly for the Laboratory. The good news is, there is a single entry point for support – just submit to the Laboratory a support ticket, we’ll triage accordingly and ensure resolution of your issue.
- Thou shall accept that the Sponsor of the Collaborative Sandbox has control of the lifecycle of and access to the sandbox! This means the sandbox can be closed with minimal notice and the Laboratory cannot be held liable for any Sandbox closure irrespective of the notice period given by the Sandbox Sponsor.
Applicable to Private Sandboxes
The following T&C are applicable to private sandboxes:
- Thou shall not share your User credentials. Those credentials are attributed to you as a named individual by the Account Owner. They allow you to create, modify, archive and delete your private sandboxes – that is a lot of power and with a lot of power comes …audit trails. For that reason, if a colleague of yours needs access to one or several of your private sandboxes, ask your Account Owner to issue additional access credentials to your colleague.
- Thou shall have the right to create, modify and customize your private sandbox. Private sandboxes are yours to create and include available solutions and services hosted at the Laboratory. You can even set baselines of a particular configuration for ease of reference and reset as part of your experimentations. These baselines are called “Subscriber Baseline Images” and may include one or several hosted solutions as well as configuration data that is specific to your configuration scenario.
- Thou shall wisely manage your support expectations. Managing support expectations means, are you having a “content” or “container” issue? If you would like support with the solution or deployed services in your private sandbox, chances are the support will ultimately come from the sponsor of the relevant deployed service or solution. If the support you need relates to the actual access and use of the sandbox, then this is a support request rightly for the Laboratory. The good news is, there is a single entry point for support – Are you unsure which is which? No problem – just submit to the Laboratory a support ticket, we’ll triage accordingly and ensure resolution of your issue
- Thou shall never rely on private sandboxes as a production environment. Discovering, experimenting, testing, developing and testing are all fine uses of your private sandboxes, but production is a big no no and forbidden. If you do contravene this condition, your sandbox is liable to be suspended without further notice.
- Thou shall accept that Private Sandboxes are not forever. Private sandboxes contain one or several Solutions. These Solutions are sponsored for hosting at the Laboratory. Sometime, a Solution may be suspended or “retired” from the Laboratory offering. The Laboratory will make every effort to provide fair and advance notice to Laboratory subscribers of any suspension or closure of Private Sandboxes. However, Laboratory cannot be held liable for any Sandbox closure irrespective of the notice period given by the Laboratory unless what is expressly provided for in the Laboratory Subscriber Agreement with the Laboratory.
Terminology Annex
- Solution. A “Solution” is defined as any electronic content that comprises or contributes to any end to end digital identity experience which:
(a) Is related to digital identity;
(b) Is not containing any Prohibited Content;
(c) Is capable of being accessed electronically subject to the Solution Terms & Conditions;
(d) Is accessible by one or more third parties via API, micro-services, GUI, client application, remote access, download, other methods or any combination thereof;
(e) Can be hosted by DTLab;
(f) Is providing a complete user or partial experience or a complete set of resources to one or more third parties, enabling, as a whole, the fulfilment of permitted uses;
(g) May contain “Solution Content”. Solution Content is data this is meant to be viewable by users of the Solution.
Note: A Solution can be of the following types:
- “commercial”: the Solution is available on the market for purchase or subscription on a commercial basis
- “Proof of Concept (POC)”: the Solution is not available on the Canadian market for purchase or subscription on a commercial basis
- Solutions Catalog. The “Solutions Catalog” is the inventory of Solutions hosted at THE LAB that can be deployed in Sandboxes. Not all Solutions can be deployed in all types of Sandboxes. Eligibility for deployment in specific sandbox types is specified for each Solution in the Solutions Catalog.
- Permitted Uses. Solution Permitted Uses are those allowed by the Laboratory Terms & Conditions and by the Solution Terms & Conditions.
- Solution Terms & Conditions. Means the terms and conditions of the Solution that are adapted to ensure the Solution can be used in the Lab environment, set by THE SOLUTION SPONSOR and accepted by THE LAB. If THE SOLUTION SPONSOR wants to restrict in which manner its Solution can be used over and above the restrictions set in the Laboratory Terms & Conditions, it can be done in the Solutions Terms & Conditions, including by specifying “permitted uses”.
- Prohibited Content. Personal Information as well as content enabling, reflecting or promoting hate speech, illegal activities, illegal goods and pornography.
- Client. A “client” is an organization paying THE LAB for its Services.
- Services. “Services” of THE LAB are divided into two types of services:
- Core services: solution sponsorships, subscriptions and ETAC services; and
- Special services, corresponding to services sold as a result of special deals and special sales. Over time, THE LAB may elect to transfer a service from the “special” category to the “core” category of Services.
- Account Owner. The “account owner” is an individual named by THE SOLUTION SPONSOR that has complete authority to represent the client in relation to services provided by THE LAB, such as adding and removing Users on the account, approving Solution Terms & Conditions and approving a Sandbox Baseline Image.
- User. A “user” is an authenticated individual (a) logged on the Lab website or on a website controlled by THE LAB; (b) logged on the Lab Platform in a Client account; or (c) interacting with an automated test function provided and controlled by THE LAB. Users are designated by THE SOLUTION SPONSOR via their Account Owner.
- Visitor. A “visitor” is an unauthenticated individual (a) browsing the Lab website or a website controlled by THE LAB; or (b) interacting with a discovery sandbox without being authenticated by THE LAB.
- Subscriber. A “Subscriber” is a Client able to create private sandboxes for their exclusive use and to deploy Solutions hosted at the Lab in those private sandboxes.
- Lab Platform. The “Lab Platform” is the online technology environment, provided and controlled by the Lab, in which solution sponsorship services and subscription services are accessed by Account Owners and Users.
- Sandbox. A Sandbox is a technological environment hosted online and supported by THE LAB in which there can be one or several Solutions. The types of sandboxes are Discovery, Collaborative and Private. The following definitions apply in relation to Sandboxes:
- Discovery Sandbox. A Discovery Sandbox is a sandbox where anyone, including Visitors, can experience one Solution as end users of the Solution. However, the Solution resets periodically and automatically to the baseline image set by the Solution Sponsor.
- CollaborativeSandbox. A Collaborative Sandbox is a Private sandbox designated for use by multiple organizations under the control of one Solution Sponsor. The control of the Solution Sponsor includes the determination of which organizations have access and which Solutions are deployed in the Collaborative Sandbox.
- Private Sandbox. A Private Sandbox is an online technology container environment hosted by THE LAB in which one or several solutions can be deployed. Subscriber Private Sandboxes are set up, controlled and managed by subscribers and can each contain one or several solutions from the Solutions Catalog. Sponsor Private Sandboxes are set up, controlled and managed by Solution Sponsors and, although they possess identical features than Subscriber Private Sandboxes, they are contractually restricted to enabling the Solution Sponsor to develop and configure the Sponsor Solution Baseline Image(s) used by THE LAB to (A) enable a Discovery Sandbox; and/or (B) deploy the Solution inside Subscriber Private Sandboxes.
- Sandbox Image. A Sandbox Image is a computer file used to emulate a computer system which always contains at least one Solution and may contain an operating system.
- Sponsor Solution Baseline Image. Means an image of the Sponsor Solution that includes Persistent Sandbox Data mutually approved and setup by the Laboratory and the Solution Sponsor.
- Subscriber Sandbox Baseline Image. The “Subscriber Sandbox Baseline Image” may, at the choice of the Subscriber, be an exact copy of the Sponsor Solution Baseline Image or a different image derived from the Sponsor Solution Baseline Image containing different Persistent Sandbox Data as configured by the subscriber.
- Active Private Sandbox. An Active Private Sandbox refers to the collection of one or more Subscriber Sandbox Baseline Image(s) created by a Subscriber when at least one of these Images has not been permanently archived and is still being used by the Subscriber.
- Transitory Sandbox Data. Configuration settings, configuration data and Solution Content which is erased when a Sandbox is reset to its registered image state.
- Persistent Sandbox Data. Configuration settings, configuration data and Solution Content which is included in a Baseline Image.
- Types & Levels of Support. Levels of Support are defined herein and as follows:
- Lab Environment Support. “Lab Environment Support” is technical support related to the Lab website, Lab network and sandbox container environment maintained by the Laboratory.
- Solution Sponsor Support. “Solution Sponsor Support” is technical support related to the Sponsor Solution Baseline Images.
- Subscriber Sandbox Support. “Subscriber Sandbox Support” is technical support related to the Subscriber Sandbox Baseline Images.
- 1st Level of Support. “1st Level of Support” is technical support related to first contact and low complexity technical support offered by THE LAB by primary means of ticketed chat and email channels and secondary means of voice calls initiated by THE LAB.
- 2nd Level of Support. “2nd Level of Support” is technical support related to support tickets escalated to resources capable of handling medium complexity issues.
- 3rd Level of Support. “3rd Level of Support” is technical support related to support tickets escalated to resources capable of handling highest complexity issues.