Become a Funder

Together, we can help Canadians

Accelerating the adoption of safe, secure, and privacy-protecting digital credentials will not only improve convenient service delivery for Canadians and Canadian businesses, it will also serve as an important defense against increasing threats of cyber crime and identity fraud.

Here are some examples of how digital identity and credentials can help our society:

  • Improve the flow of people through airport security and border checkpoints.
  • Combat identity fraud, such as ensuring the seller of a house is truly the legitimate homeowner.
  • Strengthen age verification to keep predators out of children’s online spaces and prevent children from accessing adult-only websites.
  • Help vulnerable populations who may struggle with losing their physical identification, such as seniors, people with mental illness, or those experiencing homelessness.

Through your investment you will contribute towards:

  • Breaking down silos: DTLab’s projects aim to make the issuing and implementation of digital credentials smoother, safer and more inclusive.
  • A collaborative approach: Building community, collaboration and partnership within digital identity and credential ecosystems will help us harness the power of the best minds in the country.
  • Measurable results: Results-driven and committed to transparency, DTLab’s co-created projects gather invaluable data and generate evidence-based insights that others can leverage in pursuit of the common good.
  • A sustainable growth plan: Support the building of strategic partnerships, development of scalable solutions, and the expansion of DTLab’s impact.

For more information on our prospective and ongoing projects, visit Active and Completed Projects

Funders (and members) can benefit from a range of marketing and communications activities including:

  • Joint marketing initiatives
  • Joint press releases
  • Heightened exposure through owned media (e.g. DTLab website and social media) and DTLab’s community
  • Tangible project and research reports for media and marketing

How to invest with DTLab

  • A general contribution made to DTLab’s operating budget. We will determine where your investment will have the biggest impact and allocate the funds where they are needed most.
  • Impact area contribution to focus your investment on an impact area we are working on.
  • Project-specific contribution to directly fund submissions and projects that DTLab is facilitating. Visit the How to participate on DTLab projects page.

DTLab will develop specific key performance indicators and qualitative reports on outcomes, depending on the needs of the project and its sponsor(s). We provide comprehensive reports on the impact of our initiatives, including annual reports and audited financial reports.

Support DTLab today

A McKinsey study found that extending full digital ID coverage could unlock economic value equivalent to 3 to 13% of GDP in 2030, just over half of that for individuals.

This could be achieved through time and cost savings for people and organizations, with more than a billion people gaining access to financial services, improved labour market efficiency, increased agricultural productivity, and fraud reduction.